To keep Audrey entertained, I pulled out some toys that she hasn't seen in a while...one being this duck board game. I showed Audrey one time how to play the game (pick up a duck, look at the color on the bottom, then match that color to the circle on the coordinating color of lily pad). And she figured out how to play right away! She pulled all the ducks off and then put them on the coordinating lily pads, all by herself! I don't know that this is really an advanced skill, probably most two year olds could match colors (though the game is for 3-8 year olds). But I was still impressed that she was able to play a game by following the actual rules of the game. Yet another reminder of how quickly she is growing up!
On a side note, our Christmas cards arrived today. They look great. Except for the one typo on the inside of the cards. And that one typo is driving me crazy! It is totally my fault, as I'm the one who typed it. And it's really not that big of a deal, most people may not even notice. But it is a misspelled word on all 60 of our Christmas cards, and it is going to bother me to mail them out to everyone knowing its there. I still will mail them out, but it is going to bother me. That's what I get for waiting to the last minute to make my cards, and then quickly trying to finish in time for the free deadline on a night when I was feeling tired and sick.
So if you get a Christmas card from us this year, let's make a game out of it! Kind of like Where's Waldo...Where's the Typo?
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