Whew! What a busy day today! Fortunately, I was feeling pretty good and made it through all the festivities.

This morning was the church preschool Christmas program. All the preschools classes (ages 2-5) participated, which included Audrey! She was the youngest kid there, and I was nervous about what she would do during the program.
She did well for about 3/4 of the time. She never looked too excited to be there, but she sat in her chair and was quiet. She did some of the actions to the songs they were singing.

She held up her Bible during the B-I-B-L-E song.

She pretended to rock baby Jesus with everyone else during Away in a Manger.

She picked her nose. I was both afraid and certain that this would happen at some point during the program. Audrey is obsessed with picking her nose lately. (If anyone has any tips on how to get her to stop this, I'd be happy to hear them). Lindsey happened to be sitting close enough to get a picture of her in action.

And towards the end, Audrey decided she had enough of the program and started to cry. It was kind of a long program, so I don't really blame her. They quickly brought her over to sit with me, and that made her happy again.

She is such a big girl! I can't believe she is old enough to participate in a Christmas program already.
I also have another set of pictures from our small group progressive dinner tonight. But I'm not feeling like getting those all edited/uploaded tonight, so maybe I'll save them for tomorrow instead!
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