So the reason for all this yuckiness? I'm pregnant! I was trying to come up with a fun way to announce this on the blog, but instead, I'm just going to come out and say it and use it as an excuse for my absence yesterday.
I'm due June 21, making me a little over 12 weeks along right now. Up until yesterday, I had been feeling nauseous off and on, but it had been manageable and hadn't interfered with daily life too much. Yesterday was like a flashback to my pregnancy with Audrey when I felt so horrible for weeks, I could just barely function. Hopefully, I won't have another day like yesterday. At the 12 week point, I should be getting close to being done with the nauseous stage. So far today, I am feeling much better.
I know that no matter how horrible it may seem right now, in a few months, I will have completely blocked this stage out of my mind. Once baby arrives, it's easy to forget about all the yucky stuff I had to go through for his/her arrival.
Speaking of his/her, we are planning to find out if it is a boy or girl. That should happen in early February. I'm kind of hoping for a girl. I think it would be fun for Audrey to have a sister. But a boy would be fun too, so we'll just have to wait a few more months and see what the ultrasound says!!
CONGRATULATIONS!! I've had a little feeling and have been waiting for an announcement. I am so happy for you! Audrey is going to be a great big sister! I hope yesterday was just a fluke and you start feeling better!
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