Such a sweet little face...hard to believe that this little girl could be so ornery! Lately, she is all about testing the limits. You tell her no, she does it again. Tonight, we were trying to work on how to pet Maggie nicely rather than whacking her with all our might. Audrey did really good petting Daddy nicely, and petting Mommy nicely, but when we got to Maggie...whack! So frustrating!
I got an e-mail the other day from Parents magazine titled "Why Toddlers Hit and Bite". I was hoping it was going to give me the magic answer on what to do when Audrey hits. But...not so much...basically I just learned that hitting and biting (thankfully, Audrey hasn't really done too much biting yet) are totally normal behaviors at this stage of development. Not socially acceptable behaviors and not nice behaviors...but normal behaviors nonetheless. I guess it makes me feel better to know that Audrey is just a normal toddler and that this too shall pass. But it is a frustrating stage. Sweet little Audrey has been spending a lot of time in time out lately. Doesn't seem to be doing much good, but she's still going to time out. I don't know what else to do with her. Suggestions are welcome!
However, just like I said the other day, sometimes she is just the sweetest, funniest little girl. She makes me laugh so much. I've decided that if I am going to complain about some of Audrey's frustrating behaviors, I need to include some of her more endearing behaviors as well. Some things that made me laugh today:
1. We saw an ant outside, and Audrey wanted to pet it. This girl really likes animals!
2. After I got the mail today, she was so excited. She kept carrying around an envelope and holding up and yelling "Nail! Oh Nail!" and then throwing it up in the air.
3. When she wants you to pick her up, she says "Hold you". So cute!
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