(Side story about the piano: The other night we were eating at Jimmy Johns. The music is pretty loud there, so when a live version of a song ended and people clapped at the end, Audrey noticed and started clapping and saying "Yay" with them. Then the next song came on with a piano introduction. And Audrey started saying "Hano, Hano." And then she started looking around and saying "hano", like she was looking around to find the piano that was making that noise. Daniel and I were super impressed that she was able to recognize the sound of a piano in a recording.)
And I know you are just dying to see how Tut is looking these days! Tonight we spray painted him gold. I think he is almost finished. I'm just going to paint a few stripes on the headdress around his face. The rest of him is going to be pretty simple, because I am afraid to try to paint to much on him for fear of messing up. How sad would that be, after like 10 hours of work, to mess up on the very last step! I'm pretty pleased that we were able to create this totally from scratch. He's not perfect, and he's obviously homemade, but still...how many people do you know who have made a paper mache sarcophagus? I feel quite accomplished with this feat.

I think he looks pretty cool!
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