Audrey and I got to spend the whole day today with my friend Kellie and her two little ones, Ava and Truett. Ava is about 10 months older than Audrey (and I think she weighs about 10 pounds less...Audrey is looking quite chunky standing next to her!). Let's just say those two are still learning how to play together. They kind of have a love-hate thing going on. One second one of them (often Audrey!) would be yelling "no, no" and trying to push the other one out of the way to protect their toys, then the next second they would be giggling and holding hands. Drama! Audrey is sometimes not a very nice little girl when playing with other kids. I'm hoping it is just because she is a 20 month old who doesn't quite understand the concepts of playing with other kids and sharing. Hopefully she will soon learn these lessons and will play better with other kids. Hopefully...
Regardless, the two did laugh and play well together at times (especially when no toys were involved). One of their favorite games was Ring around the Rosy (which is what they were playing in the pool in this picture). They would hold hands and walk in a circle and just laugh and laugh and laugh. It was pretty cute!
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