This morning our Sprouts playgroup had a playdate at the park. Audrey's favorite activity, of course, was the slide, which she calls "a pie". It sounds like she is saying "up high", but I think she is really trying to say the word slide, even though it doesn't sound like it. She has a habit of putting a "a" at the beginning of her words. I don't know if she is trying to add the article "a" to her words or what. I'm going to have to ask my speech therapist friends if that is common for her age. Watching Audrey learn to talk has made me very interested in the details of speech development. I think it's fascinating how they go from saying nothing at all to speaking a whole language in such a short time period.
And VBS continues to go well. I was telling someone tonight that so far everything is going just how I envisioned and planned it. THat doesn't always happen, so I'm pretty happy. Only 2 nights left...this week is flying by! If you are interested in seeing pictures of all our VBS decorations and fun, I have uploaded a bunch of them to our Facebook page:
The answer is yes! That is typical! :)
Thanks, speech therapist friend!!
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