It was hot and humid and rainy outside, and Audrey was a huge grump all day...therefore I did not take too many pictures today. I finally grabbed the camera at about 6 pm and walked around the neighborhood, looking for something to photograph. This is a flower in our neighbor's yard. I have decided that I would much rather photograph people than inanimate objects. Flowers seem to be easy enough to photograph, but they are kind of boring to me. I definitely prefer human subjects, specifically kids!
So on my little walk around the neighborhood I took about 50 pictures. I haven't made it through all of them yet, but I'm guessing I will save about 10 of them. Most of them were not so good. Tomorrow should be a better picture day: we are going to a three year old's birthday party and then we are hosting a cookout...both events should have lots of people and kids to photograph!
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