The first words out of Audrey's mouth this morning were: "Mamy (Amy)...Cael". And then the whole time we were getting ready to leave she kept saying, "Mamy, Cael", and then she added "clap-clap" (because she really likes it when all the kids at camp clap and cheer) and "chair" (because she has been having fun sitting on chairs at camp and watching all the kids) and "go, go, go" (because that is what she says to the kids while they are playing games). It was cracking me up, like she was going through her head all of the fun things she has been doing this week...she really loves camp!! I think she will be a sad little girl on Thursday morning when camp is over, and we have to go back to being home all day!
The picture above is one that I took of Amy and Audrey during lunch today. Like I said the other day, Audrey loves Amy now!! And the picture below is one that Amy took of Audrey and Cael this morning. They have become best buddies this week! Audrey also LOVES this wagon and has spent a lot of time this week being pulled around in it.

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