Unfortunately, I didn't get to hold Truett for too long, due to one extremely grumpy little girl named Audrey. Every time I held him, Audrey would be right there saying, "Off, Off" (meaning she wanted Truett to get off me!) in a very whiny voice. She was a bit jealous, but it also turns out that she wasn't feeling too good. She'd been a grump all day, and we finally took her temp and found out she was running a fever. Ugh...why does she always get sick when we are on vacation? I'm hoping she's not really sick. She occasionally will have days where she is extremely crabby and runs a temp for about 24 hours, then she goes back to normal. So I hope this is just one of those days and tomorrow will be better!
Fortunately, we will be back in Indianapolis next week...with more time to spend with the Bungards and with a (hopefully) happier little girl!
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