I really do love this blog and the whole idea of posting a picture every day. But some days, I just don't have a picture to post. And today is one of those days. It's 11:00 pm after a somewhat busy day. I'm tired and my stomach hurts and I'm ready for bed. Trying to find something creative to take a picture of is the last thing I want to do.
But I'm stubborn about this blog, and the rules I have created for it. I have made it over 450 days posting a picture each day. And I'm not ready to give up on it yet. Therefore, with no furthur adieu or complaining, I present to you my picture for today:

Kellie, this is why we will probably never follow your lead and get rid of our dog. She is a great last minute picture opportunity when it's late, everyone else is in bed, and I have no other ideas for a picture for the day! I'd be curious to see how many times in the past 450-some days I have resorted to taking a picture of Maggie because I can't think of anything else.
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