We had a small group cookout at the Blakley's tonight. After we were done eating, us girls ended up in the living room watching The Bachelorette. Cael was my buddy and wanted to snuggle with me on the couch while we watched it! When Cael was a baby, I was one of his favorite people...but it's been a while since he has wanted to be my buddy again. So I enjoyed my snuggle time with him tonight!
Poor Daniel and Audrey had to stay home from the cookout because Audrey is sick. It started with a cough this weekend, then a cough and a very runny, snotty nose yesterday, and now it is a cough, a runny, snotty nose, and a fever. Daniel was kind enough to stay home with Audrey so I could get out and go to the cookout...what a good husband!! Hopefully Audrey will get over this sickness soon....being sick is not fun for her or for us!
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