Today is Thursday, and Thursday is Sprouts day. We only have one more week of Sprouts before we take a break for the summer. I'm ready for a break. Sprouts has grown into a much bigger playgroup than I think any of us anticipated. It's a lot of work getting everything set up the night before (late at night after our kids are in bed) and then dealing with the craziness while everyone is there (and usually dealing with a grumpy Audrey who is missing her morning nap) and then getting everything cleaned up afterward (it doesn't take long for 30 kids to make a huge mess!). I'm ready for a nap by the end of the morning! Even though I do complain about it some, I really don't mind the work. And I like being able to help provide this group for the moms and kids in our community.
So I'm ready for a break now, but I know I will be excited to start back up again in September! And hopefully by then Audrey will be done with her morning naps and will have more fun at Sprouts. Though today she was really good and happy and playful the whole morning, which made for a more pleasant morning for me. So I don't know why I am complaining about Sprouts in this post today, because I had a good time this morning. And now I am just rambling, so I think I should stop and go to bed.
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