I have been searching for several months for a slide/climber for Audrey to play with in our backyard. She is still a bit tentative about climbing, so I wanted something small enough that she could practice climbing and playing on by herself without help. I've been stalking Craigslist daily and driving around to garage sales every weekend searching for a slide that was in decent shape and that we could afford (around $30). A few days ago, I saw a Toddler 123 Climber listed on Craigslist for $45. The original price was around $100, and I almost just broke down and bought the $45 slide. Even though $45 is out of our price range, it's still cheaper than buying a brand new $100 slide. But I held strong and stuck to the budget. And it's a good thing I did! Today I found the same slide at a garage sale for just $15!
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