Maggie ran away tonight right as a thunderstorm was brewing. The back gate was open. We don't know why, but that gate is randomly open every once in a while. I looked out the back window about 5 minutes after I let Maggie out and realized she was gone. Daniel took off after her, first on foot and then in the car as it started to rain harder. He ran into some neighbors while he was looking for her, and they joined in the search as well. About 30 minutes later, I saw a couple of our neighbors in the driveway, herding Maggie up to the house! We have the best neighbors, willing to go out in the rain and look for our crazy dog. Maggie was soaking wet and scared when she got home. I tried to get her to sit still for a picture, but she kept shaking out her shaggy hair (she's finally getting it cut next week) and running around the house. I'm kind of glad, because this picture turned out way more fun than if Maggie was just sitting there.

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