I apologize for the poor quality of this picture. I had a picture on my camera ready to go, but then I forgot my camera at the Noggles tonight. So I had to use the webcam on my computer. Tonight was the Lost finale, and I made these cupcakes for our finale party. They were inspired by the video recaps, Lost Untangled, that we've been watching this season. The video recaps are done by ABC and feature action figures and paper doll versions of the Lost characters. Very funny stuff. Anyway, I only had a Pierre Chang cupcake left after Lost tonight...but I had a different character on all the cupcakes I made. We're all so sad that there won't be any more Lost for 9 months!
ETA: Here is the picture that I wanted to post but couldn't because I forgot my camera. Here are the Sawyer, Juliet, Kate and Jack cupcakes that I made for the party. And in case you were wondering, the green blobs are gumdrop leaves...that are supposed to be trees or at least representative of the jungle on the island.

Too funny! I love these! We are big LOST fans and I am so sad we have to wait 9 months for a new episode. The finale was pretty incredible! And I have lots of questions that need answers!
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