I'm in the midst of packing. Later this afternoon I am going with some other women from church to a conference for moms called Hearts at Home in Bloomington, IL. I don't feel like I am old enough to be going to a mom's conference, but I suppose since I am turning 30 this year, it's about time for me to accept the fact that I am a grownup! I'm going to leave Audrey at home with Daddy tonight and spend the night there. I don't get to stay for the whole conference though. Tomorrow morning, I am taking the train back to Springfield, then Daniel, Audrey and I are going to Keokuk. Daniel is leading worship at my home church's revival next week. So we'll be spending the week in Keokuk, hanging out with family and friends, and going to revival every night. Who knew that churches even still did revivals?? Well, my church still does...it should be fun times!!
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