Garage Sale Day 2 was not quite as successful as Day 1. It was pretty slow. But I did manage to draw in a few people who were looking for baby girl clothes and managed to sell quite a few clothing items.
I ended up calling it quits at 10:30 am though! It was windy and everything kept blowing over. Audrey was being very whiny and grumpy. And we hadn't had a customer in about a half hour. So I decided it was time to be done. Total for day 2 was: $48.25. Which makes our grand total for both days: $430.50! Not too shabby!
And now for a few pictures. Later this afternoon, we went to another birthday party. This was for our friends' son Joel (or Tony, as some people call him!). It was his second birthday, and Audrey was very excited for another birthday party. This party was at the park too, which made it extra fun for her!
So Audrey got to eat yet another birthday party cupcake. This time she used a spoon to scrape all her icing off and eat it!

And she got to go on an Easter Egg hunt. There was one special egg with a piece of paper inside revealing the gender of Joel's new sibling! Audrey found that egg, so we got to find out whether Joel is going to have a brother or a sister. (I won't spoil the news here though, so Irvin and Jill can share with the rest of our friends in person!).

Finally, Audrey got to go play on the slides at the park. This was really our first park outing of the season. And I was way impressed with how brave and independent Audrey was. Last spring/summer, she was not quite sure about climbing on the playground equipment and going down the slides by herself. She occasionally would do it alone, but normally she would want me to be right by her holding her hand. I was so excited to see her climb up all the playground equipment by herself, and then slide down the slide by herself, and then jump up to do it all over again! Sometimes I worry that she is too clingy and cautious, so it's nice to see her act like a regular fearless two year old!
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