As I was putting Maggie up and getting my purse ready, I noticed Audrey was being awfully quiet. I looked around for a few seconds and found her sitting on the stairs like this:

And wow, did I find some good deals at the mall! I got a few things at Children's Place that were on clearance, and I also had a coupon to use with them. Then we went to Gymboree. I really love Gymboree clothes. They are cute and good quality, but they are also expensive! Just like my garage sale shopping, I have two strict rules that I follow when shopping at Gymboree:
1. Items must be at least 60% off (but preferably more) original prices. Original prices are high, so even at 60% off the clothes can still be out of my budget.
2. I must also have a coupon to use that can be combined with the sale.
My favorite time of year at Gymboree is when they have their big seasonal clearance sales. They put bins out in the front with old lines of clothing that are marked 60-80% off the original price. Today just happened to be one of those sale days. And today, I also had a 30% off coupon that I could use as well.
Here are all the clothes I bought...a winter coat, a pair of PJ's, a few pairs of jeans, a dress, several shirts and pants, and an outfit for my nephew...lots of fun stuff! Original price for all the Gymboree stuff would have been close to $300. My total today was $50.32 before tax. And since I spent $50, I earned Gymbucks. I have never earned Gymbucks before, so that made the deal even sweeter. Now, I have a $25 off a $50 purchase coupon to use in July (I just have to remember to use it!).

So for now, I'm going to go back through all the old clothes again and find more to purge for this weekend's garage sale. I figure I added 15 new pieces to the girls' wardrobe today, then I should get rid of at least 15 old pieces. At least we'll keep things even that way. =)
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