Look at the mess Audrey made today...pulling everything out of the trash! The good news is that she likes to put everything back into the trash as much as she likes pulling everything out. The bad news is that this is not the only mess she made today. The real mess was upstairs in our bedroom and it involved a bottle of liquid foundation. Somehow, while I was standing right next to her, Audrey managed to find the makeup, get the lid off and spill it all over herself and the carpet before I noticed. I really don't understand how all of those things lined up just right to create such a perfect mess. My first instinct was to take a picture (what a great picture of the day that would have been!), but I thought better of it and grabbed a rag to wipe Audrey's hands off instead (but not before she left two handprints on our bedspread!).
P.S. Does anyone know how to get liquid foundation out of carpet?????
P.S.S. To keep you informed of my Oscar movie watch progress, I saw Precious tonight. Wow, what a movie. It was not entertaining and it's not a movie for everyone, but it was definitely worth watching and was very well done...a movie that will stick with me for a long, long time. And now I'm pretty sure I've seen at least 2 of the 10 movies that will be nominated for Best Picture.
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