The cutest thing happened when I gave her the tooth brush. I said, "Audrey here's your tooth brush. We're going to brush your teeth now." And she took the tooth brush and started to brush her hair! (she loves to brush her hair with her hair brush!). Fortunately I didn't put any toothpaste on tonight. I thought it would be best to get oriented with the toothbrush first before we added anything else...and I think I was right!
I'm sad that I didn't get a picture of her brushing her hair with her toothbrush. By the time I got my camera, Audrey managed to find a pacifier, and the toothbrush wasn't so interesting anymore. I did manage to get her to put her toothbrush in her mouth and I brushed her teeth just the tinest bit to show her what it is for. That was all we attempted tonight...it did not end in screaming, so I consider it a succes.
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