Tonight we had chicken and noodles and biscuits for dinner. On a normal day, I probably would have fixed a vegetable to go with this but things aren't very normal around here. Chicken and noodles sounded like good comfort food for the sick ones at our house, and it was pretty quick and easy to make with the help of a rotisserrie chicken.
Daniel was feeling a little better today. I allowed him out of quarantine, and he was able to watch Audrey for a little bit while I went to Wal-mart and fixed dinner and got some things done today. I think Audrey was feeling worse. We got a prescription from the doctor for Tamiflu. Now we just have to figure out how to get her to take it! She got the first dose down earlier today, but tonight she spit and gagged it all back out. I think I am going to have to try mixing it with some applesauce or something to get her to take it. It's frustrating that we have something that might make her feel better, and she's not taking it!
I'm still feeling OK, though I am exhausted. I haven't slept well at all the past few nights, sleeping on the couch, listening to every noise Audrey makes and getting up a couple of times to check on her is taking its toll on me. The only way I could get her to sleep today was to hold her. I really hope she will sleep in her crib tonight because I need some rest!
OK, so this blog is turning more into a daily sick update rather than a daily photo blog...hopefully we'll be back to normal soon though!
Oh, and I also found two teeth breaking through Audrey's gums today. So just in case the flu wasn't making her feel bad enough, she is teething too!!
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