Ugh, I came home from subbing today to a sick husband. He's had a fever around 101, stuffy head and cough, weak and achy feeling. H1N1 maybe?? Who knows? Maybe it's just a cold. But we're not taking any chances. He is currently quarantined in our bedroom. I have been using disinfecting wipes and spray like crazy trying to get rid of all his germs. I don't know if that will do any good, but at least it makes me feel like I'm doing something. I think I've washed my hands like 50 times since I got home today. I'm really nervous about Audrey getting sick, especially since Daniel spent the whole day taking care of her before he really knew he was sick. And they keep saying that the swine flue is especially dangerous for little kids. Or what if I get sick and then both Daniel and I are sick and there's no one to take care of Audrey? Or what if one (or all) of us are sick next week for Audrey's birthday party???
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