I am afraid that this blog may have reached its end. I want to keep writing here, and there is so much that I could write about. Our family vacation to Myrtle Beach. Audrey's first day (and weeks) of first grade. Isla's first day (and weeks) of four year old preschool. How Isla is rocking preschool this year. How Isla has a newfound confidence in herself that has caused many of her anxieties (and lack of speech/participation) to diminish. How Isla TALKED to her teacher yesterday at school. I could finish my Disney World posts from last year. I could write about my struggles with yelling at my kids, and my attempts to stop yelling at them. Or about our plans and ideas for Audrey's upcoming birthday party. Or about house projects that I am constantly thinking about and planning.
There is so much that I could write, and yet I just can't find the energy to do it anymore. It is a busy season of life, and while I love having this record of our life, I don't have much desire to write it all out right now.
So this just might be the end. Maybe. I am not quite ready to officially call it the end, so for now we are going to call it a temporary hiatus. Perhaps in a few months I will find the motivation to keep up with this again.
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