We've gotten into a bad habit of driving through McDonalds after dance class each week. I get a Diet Dr. Pepper and the girls each get a chocolate chip cookie. Probably not a healthy habit, but we all enjoy it! =)
The weather was lovely this afternoon, so we took advantage of it and enjoyed a picnic lunch on our back patio/driveway with Daddy.
The girls enjoyed running around outside. Even this evening, when the wind was picking up and temps were cooling down, it was hard to get them to come inside. They were running around the backyard chasing the squirrels in the trees while yelling and singing to them.
(The lovely weather is gone now. It is currently 40 degrees, windy and thundering...with 3-5 inches of snow in the forecast overnight).
I wanted to get a picture of Isla in her pajamas tonight, but she refused. She found a pair of 18 month pajamas that I was putting in the garage sale pile. She remembered them from last summer and immediately wanted to wear them. I told her they didn't fit her anymore, and she responded with, "Yeah they fit me. Me big girl!" ("Me big girl" is her response for everything these days). So I put them on her, and she was right...they still fit her! She is almost three, and I'm determined that she really doesn't need to wear size 18 month clothes anymore. I was going to still put them in the sale pile, but she really, really wanted to keep them. So they are back in our PJ rotation for now, and she does look pretty cute in them. Too bad I don't have a picture to share with this story.
Instead, Audrey wanted to pose for a picture in her new pajamas I bought for her at a consignment sale last week. This is how she chose to pose.
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