I decided to go all out and make our whole day Little Mermaid themed. The girls started the day by coloring some Little Mermaid coloring pages. And snuggling together on the couch...too cute!
Then we went to Target to buy the DVD.
I posted this picture on Facebook and got lots of comments about Isla's grumpy facial expression. Yes, this girl is the queen of facial expressions! It's true that Isla was grumpy today and was not nearly as enthused about Little Mermaid day as Audrey. However, this is also her default face whenever I pull out the camera. It is very purposeful. As soon as I showed her this picture, she broke out into a huge grin! Isla is a quiet little thing, but she is also an ornery little stinker! =)
As we were leaving Target, Audrey wanted to climb on this ball and pretend to be Ariel sitting on her rock.
We came home from Target and started on our crafts. We made Flounder fish.
And jelly fish.
We hung them all from the ceiling in our dining room, along with some more streamers to create an Under the Sea look. Audrey was very excited about this decor; Isla was not too sure about it at first. But Audrey's enthusiasm was contagious, and Isla eventually came to accept and even get excited about eating her lunch Under the Sea!
For lunch, we had Ursula dogs, seashells and cheese, and green oyster pearls.
For dessert, it was blue ocean water jello.
Then, after we put Isla down for her nap, it was time for the main event: The Little Mermaid movie!
This post and pictures make it sound like a super fun day. And it was a super fun day...for Audrey. Isla was pretty indifferent to all of our festivities (and a bit grumpy this morning), and I was not feeling the greatest today. I have developed some kind of allergies this year that are totally messing with my ears, sinuses and head. Not cool. So, creating a fun, themed day was not on the top of my list of things I wanted to do today. But...I had already told Audrey that we were going to do it, so there was no backing out! I tried to keep a cheerful attitude about today, but I did not always succeed at that. I just wanted to include an honest disclaimer so that you know it is not always fun and smiles and cuteness all the time around here. Not even close. But I do like to try to make things fun once in a while, and of course, I try to make those things cute too!
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