Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28

Today we went to Meet the Teacher day at Audrey's school.  She starts preschool next week in a new classroom with new teachers.  She will be going three mornings a week this year instead of two.  I'm looking forward to her starting school, and she is too!  Summer has been fun, but I think we are all ready for a little more structure in our routine.

Audrey had some anxiety about school last year, especially at the beginning of the year.  However, towards the end of the year, she was a pro at going to school and seemed to love every minute of it.  I am curious to see how this year starts...will she pick up where she left off last year or regress back to the start of last school year?  Considering that she has to go to school all day every day next year (in kindergarten, oh my!!!!!), I'd like to see her have a great final year of preschool!

Based on how she acted today in her new class with her new teachers, she is going to do great!  She sat down and talked to her new teacher for a long time all by herself.  She was not the least bit shy or anxious.  We've heard good things about her teachers, and they were super friendly today.  This is her teacher Mrs. Smith, who sat down with her to talk and color:

And the rest of the day, Audrey kept asking me when she gets to go back to school. 

With all of this back to school talk, Isla wants to be a part of it too.  Every time we talk about Audrey going to school, Isla chimes in with, "Me too!"  I'm afraid she is going to have a hard time going with me to drop off Audrey every day and then not being able to stay.  Especially after today, when Isla discovered the play house section of Audrey's classroom.  I had to drag her away kicking and screaming this morning.  We're going to have to figure out something special for Isla to do while Audrey is out school!


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