The girls have made a new friend with a little girl who lives behind us. She frequently comes running to our back fence to talk with Audrey and Isla. It is super cute! The problem is we have not met (or even seen any sign of) her parents yet. She is only four years old, and I don't feel like it is appropriate for us to invite her into our yard without her parents permission. But I feel really bad making her stand on the other side of the fence. The other day the girls stood at the fence talking like this for an hour!
Yesterday, our friend Lindsey invited Audrey to go with her and the boys to the state museum for a Magic School Bus movie. Besides the movie and the museum, Lindsey also took them to see the old state capitol and to get some ice cream!
Lindsey said that Audrey and Elliot posed themselves like this in front of these statues:
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