I currently have four part time jobs! Normally those four jobs don't overlap too much, so it doesn't feel quite so hectic. But last week and this week, I have work to do for all four jobs: piano lessons, two Stampin Up events, two photo shoots, and work for my dad (typing data, a very easy but very boring job!). Plus, there are volunteer jobs--like teaching a class on Wednesday nights at church and helping with Sprouts and helping Daniel plan his 80s party. And then there are all the household jobs--like cleaning and cooking and taking care of Audrey, who does a very good job of demanding my attention during her waking hours! And then there are the fun things--like planning Audrey's birthday party, going to a moms Bible study, watching all the fall TV show premieres, and of course, reading!
So that's why I feel like everything is so crazy busy lately. I do like to be busy. I like having jobs to do. I like the little bit of extra money from the jobs. I like all of my hobbies and interests. Most of the things that are keeping me busy are things that I enjoy doing. It's just all piled a little too high right now. Hopefully once this week is over, we can get back to a normal and less crazy kind of busy! For now, it's 11:15 pm and I'm off to do a little more typing for my dad (while watching last week's episode of Vampire Diaries...I'm all about multi-tasking!!).
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