This week Audrey and I are going to Keokuk to visit my mom and go to a baby shower for my sister. Daniel is staying here to run sound at the Muni, and he is also going to take some time off to work on a large list of house projects. One of Daniel's projects is to paint this dresser. We inherited the dresser from Daniel's grandma and while I'm grateful for it, it is not the most stylish piece of furniture in the world. We're hoping a little paint and some new handles will help to update it a bit. He is also painting our bedroom, something we have wanted to do ever since we moved into this house 5 1/2 years ago. I had the hardest time picking out a paint color and ended up with a biege/tan color called Taupe 4. How boring is that! Hopefully the room will look good when all the pieces are put together. Here is a before picture I found on my computer from when we first moved into the house. I can't wait to show an after picture when Audrey and I get back from our trip!
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