The VBS invasion has begun! In the past, my house has been filled with all sorts of decorations and props as we have prepared for various VBS themes. My favorite was the year we had a hippo, several lions, giant elephant tusks and a huge amount of stuffed and spray painted paper bags camping out in our basement.
This year, the theme is Egypt. And I am in charge of creating an ancient Egyptian marketplace in our gym. I'm really excited about it, as the marketplace is a new addition to our VBS this year. But it is going to take a lot of work and a lot of people (if you go to South Side, we could use your help for VBS this year!!!). Today, I started searching for supplies at garage sales. And it was a lot of fun. It added a completely new strategy to my garage saling experience. I normally just drive by houses and look to see if they have kids stuff. But now, I'm starting to look for places that would have a lot of baskets and fabric and Egyptian looking stuff...which is generally not the same place that would have a lot of kids stuff.
I got all of the stuff pictured (and some more stuff that is inside the baskets and not pictured) for $4.50 today. There is just something about finding good bargains that is addicting. I'm planning to head out first thing in the morning for more garage sale fun!
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