At the beginning of this year, I went through a stage where I was really bored being at home and thought I needed a few more projects to keep me busy. I found a few more projects I guess, because now I am in a stage where I just cannot get everything done. It's driving me crazy, because I'm home all day long...I should have lots of time, right? This picture is of the baby announcements I have been working on for a friend. I wanted to have them done last Friday; Tuesday is now over, and they still aren't finished. Other things just keep coming up and getting in the way. I need to find a new way to organize my day or something, because the past few weeks I feel like I've just been running around like crazy and not really accomplishing all that much...very frustrating!
i feel like that alot at work. because i have 42 customers on top of 100s of leads asking for quotes. it IS very frustrating. i just have to remind myself to breathe and try to accomplish one thing at a time. then move on to the next. but mine is a bit different bc i dont have a child that needs attention, mine is customers! lol
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