Sorry I didn't post this last night. We got to Joplin late, and after getting settled into our tiny room and getting Audrey to bed, I was too tired to do anything. This is a horrible picture, but it was cold and late as we were driving on campus, so it's as good as it gets this time. It's been five years since I've been back to Joplin...and it's weird because everything feels so familiar, but then things are different too. It's especially weird being on campus at Ozark; I feel very old and out of place. We're going to be here for the next 9 days. This is the longest trip we've taken with Audrey. We're staying in a nice room on campus, but it's pretty small. It may be an interesting week as Audrey and I will have lots of down time while Daddy works!! If anyone in Joplin wants to hang out, let me know!
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